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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Spider fight! "BOTOGS"

Spider always seen alone on their web, waiting for their prey... But here in the Philippines we train spiders to fight and bet money on them.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


          Light photography is something that i never thought of doing, until i bought my own DSLR and watch a lot of video tutorials online and found myself doing it. At first, it was so hard but as minutes goes by i was able to master it  and here are some of the images i took. Try it yourself and you will enjoy it...

Tip of the day:: SS:30", f/5.6, ISO 100

Sunday, August 2, 2015


  • Switch your camera to Shutter priority mode.
  • Choose a slower shutter speed w/c will blur the action. eg. 1/60.
  • Follow the subject through the viewfinder as you take the picture and follow the subject as you pres the button.
  • If the background isn't sufficiently blurred, choose a slower shutter. if the action is too blurred choose a faster shutter.
  • Keep on practicing. Enjoy!
Philippine Jeepney


Philippine version of Tricycle

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Welcome to my blog

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